Pathes to explore a mixture
type 'a t = 'a step list
val print :
Signature.s ->
(int -> int) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
abstract t ->
print signatures find_existing_type nav
val rename :
debug_mode:bool ->
Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t ->
abstract t ->
Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t * abstract t
val compatible_fresh_point :
debug_mode:bool ->
abstract step ->
Agent.t ->
int ->
abstract arrow ->
Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t option
Retuns the extension of the given injections so that the second edge is the image of the first
is_subnavigation inj_nav2sub nav subpart
val injection_for_one_more_edge :
debug_mode:bool ->
?root:Agent.t ->
Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t ->
Edges.t ->
abstract step ->
Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t option
val imperative_edge_is_valid :
debug_mode:bool ->
?root:Agent.t ->
Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t ->
Edges.t ->
abstract step ->