Module LKappa_group_action

module LKappa_group_action: sig .. end
* * openkappa * Jérôme Feret & Ly Kim Quyen, projet Antique, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt * * Creation: 2016, the 5th of December * Last modification: Time-stamp: <Jun 12 2017> * * Abstract domain to record relations between pair of sites in connected agents. * * Copyright 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016 Institut National de Recherche * en Informatique et en Automatique. * All rights reserved. This file is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License

check_orbit_internal_state_permutation ~agent_type ~site1 ~site2 rule ~correct rates cache ~counter to_be_checked will visit the orbit of rule when swapping the internal states of site1 and site2 in agents of type agent_type; rates contains the rate of each rule (stored according to their hash) to be divided by the respecive integer in correct. counter is an array of 0 (after the call, the array is reset to 0. to_be_checked is an array of boolean: false means that there is no rule corresponding to this hash, or that this rule is already in an orbit; true, means that there is a rule corresponding to this hash, and it does not belong to a visited orbit
val check_orbit_internal_state_permutation : ?trace:bool ->
?fmt:Format.formatter ->
?fmt_err:Format.formatter ->
?sigs:Signature.s ->
agent_type:int ->
site1:int ->
site2:int ->
LKappa.rule ->
correct:int array ->
Affine_combinations.aff_combination Rule_modes.RuleModeMap.t array ->
LKappa_auto.cache ->
counter:int array ->
bool array -> (LKappa_auto.cache * int array * bool array) * bool

check_orbit_binding_state_permutation ~agent_type ~site1 ~site2 rule ~correct rates cache ~counter to_be_checked will visit the orbit of rule when swapping the binding states of site1 and site2 in agents of type agent_type; rates contains the rate of each rule (stored according to their hash) to be divided by the respecive integer in correct. counter is an array of 0 (after the call, the array is reset to 0. to_be_checked is an array of boolean: false means that there is no rule corresponding to this hash, or that this rule is already in an orbit; true, means that there is a rule corresponding to this hash, and it does not belong to a visited orbit
val check_orbit_binding_state_permutation : ?trace:bool ->
?fmt:Format.formatter ->
?fmt_err:Format.formatter ->
?sigs:Signature.s ->
agent_type:int ->
site1:int ->
site2:int ->
LKappa.rule ->
correct:int array ->
Affine_combinations.aff_combination Rule_modes.RuleModeMap.t array ->
LKappa_auto.cache ->
counter:int array ->
bool array -> (LKappa_auto.cache * int array * bool array) * bool

check_orbit_full_permutation ~agent_type ~site1 ~site2 rule ~correct rates cache ~counter to_be_checked will visit the orbit of rule when swapping both the binding and the internal states of site1 and site2 in agents of type agent_type; rates contains the rate of each rule (stored according to their hash) to be divided by the respecive integer in correct. counter is an array of 0 (after the call, the array is reset to 0. to_be_checked is an array of boolean: false means that there is no rule corresponding to this hash, or that this rule is already in an orbit; true, means that there is a rule corresponding to this hash, and it does not belong to a visited orbit
val check_orbit_full_permutation : ?trace:bool ->
?fmt:Format.formatter ->
?fmt_err:Format.formatter ->
?sigs:Signature.s ->
agent_type:int ->
site1:int ->
site2:int ->
LKappa.rule ->
correct:int array ->
Affine_combinations.aff_combination Rule_modes.RuleModeMap.t array ->
LKappa_auto.cache ->
counter:int array ->
bool array -> (LKappa_auto.cache * int array * bool array) * bool
val is_invariant_internal_states_permutation : ?trace:bool ->
?fmt:Format.formatter ->
?fmt_err:Format.formatter ->
?sigs:Signature.s ->
agent_type:int ->
site1:int ->
site2:int -> LKappa.rule -> LKappa_auto.cache -> LKappa_auto.cache * bool
val is_invariant_binding_states_permutation : ?trace:bool ->
?fmt:Format.formatter ->
?fmt_err:Format.formatter ->
?sigs:Signature.s ->
agent_type:int ->
site1:int ->
site2:int -> LKappa.rule -> LKappa_auto.cache -> LKappa_auto.cache * bool
val is_invariant_full_states_permutation : ?trace:bool ->
?fmt:Format.formatter ->
?fmt_err:Format.formatter ->
?sigs:Signature.s ->
agent_type:int ->
site1:int ->
site2:int -> LKappa.rule -> LKappa_auto.cache -> LKappa_auto.cache * bool
type bwd_bisim_info = int Symmetries_sig.site_partition array * bool Mods.DynArray.t *
Signature.s * LKappa_auto.cache Pervasives.ref
val swap_binding_state_regular : int -> int -> int -> LKappa.rule_agent -> unit
val swap_internal_state_regular : int -> int -> int -> LKappa.rule_agent -> unit
val swap_full_regular : int -> int -> int -> LKappa.rule_agent -> unit
val swap_binding_state_created : int -> int -> int -> Raw_mixture.agent -> unit
val swap_internal_state_created : int -> int -> int -> Raw_mixture.agent -> unit
val swap_full_created : int -> int -> int -> Raw_mixture.agent -> unit
val equiv_class : LKappa_auto.cache ->
bool Mods.DynArray.t ->
LKappa.rule ->
partitions_internal_states:(int -> int list list) ->
partitions_binding_states:(int -> int list list) ->
partitions_full_states:(int -> int list list) ->
convention:Remanent_parameters_sig.rate_convention ->
LKappa_auto.cache * bool Mods.DynArray.t * (LKappa.rule * int) list
val saturate_domain_with_symmetric_patterns : compileModeOn:bool ->
?origin:Operator.rev_dep ->
Contact_map.t ->
bwd_bisim_info ->
(('a * array * 'b) list -> Pattern.PreEnv.t -> Pattern.PreEnv.t