Module Locality

module Locality: sig .. end
Output a JSON value of type Locality.t.

type position = {
   chr : int;
   line : int;
type range = {
   file : string;
   from_position : position;
   to_position : position;
type t = range 
type 'a annot = 'a * t 
type 'a maybe = ?pos:t -> 'a 
val of_pos : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> t
val dummy : t
val dummy_annot : 'a -> 'a annot
val has_dummy_annot : 'a annot -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_annot : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> 'a annot -> unit
val annot_of_yojson : ?filenames:string array ->
(Yojson.Basic.json -> 'a) -> Yojson.Basic.json -> 'a annot
val annot_to_yojson : ?filenames:int Mods.StringMap.t ->
('a -> Yojson.Basic.json) -> 'a annot -> Yojson.Basic.json
val write_range : Bi_outbuf.t -> t -> unit
Output a JSON value of type Locality.t.
val string_of_range : ?len:int -> t -> string
Serialize a value of type Locality.t into a JSON string.
len : specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.
val read_range : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> t
Input JSON data of type Locality.t.
val range_of_string : string -> t
Deserialize JSON data of type Locality.t.