Module Symmetries

module Symmetries: sig .. end
* * openkappa * Jérôme Feret & Ly Kim Quyen, projet Antique, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt * * Creation: 2016, the 5th of December * Last modification: Time-stamp: <Jul 18 2017> * * Abstract domain to record relations between pair of sites in connected agents. * * Copyright 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016 Institut National de Recherche * en Informatique et en Automatique. * All rights reserved. This file is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License

type equivalence_classes = int Symmetries_sig.site_partition array 
type symmetries = {
   rules : equivalence_classes;
   rules_and_initial_states : equivalence_classes option;
   rules_and_alg_expr : equivalence_classes option;
type reduction = 
| Ground
| Forward of equivalence_classes
| Backward of equivalence_classes
val refine_partitioned_contact_map_in_lkappa_representation : 'a ->
('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b -> 'a * bool) ->
('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b -> 'a * bool) ->
('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b -> 'a * bool) ->
'b Symmetries_sig.site_partition array ->
'a * 'b Symmetries_sig.site_partition array
val detect_symmetries : Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Model.t ->
LKappa_auto.cache ->
Remanent_parameters_sig.rate_convention -> list ->
Primitives.elementary_rule list ->
Public_data.contact_map -> LKappa_auto.cache * symmetries
val print_symmetries : Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Model.t -> symmetries -> unit
type cache 
val empty_cache : unit -> cache
val representative : ?parameters:Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
sigs:Signature.s ->
cache ->
LKappa_auto.cache ->
Pattern.PreEnv.t ->
reduction -> ->
cache * LKappa_auto.cache * Pattern.PreEnv.t *
val equiv_class : ?parameters:Remanent_parameters_sig.parameters ->
Model.t ->
bool Mods.DynArray.t ->
cache ->
LKappa_auto.cache ->
Pattern.PreEnv.t ->
reduction -> ->
cache * LKappa_auto.cache * Pattern.PreEnv.t *
bool Mods.DynArray.t * (int * ( * int) list)