Module Utilities

module Utilities: sig .. end
High-level elementary primitives to generate stories

module S: Generic_branch_and_cut_solver.Solver 
type error_log = Exception.method_handler 
val error_init : error_log
error_init is an empty log of errors
type parameter = S.PH.B.PB.CI.Po.K.H.parameter 
type kappa_handler = S.PH.B.PB.CI.Po.K.H.handler 
type profiling_info = StoryProfiling.StoryStats.log_info 
type shall_we = parameter -> bool 

enriched types for functions:
type 'a with_handlers = parameter ->
?shall_we_compute:shall_we ->
?shall_we_compute_profiling_information:shall_we ->
?print_if_zero:shall_we ->
kappa_handler ->
profiling_info -> error_log -> 'a
type 'a zeroary = (error_log * profiling_info * 'a) with_handlers 
type ('a, 'b) unary = ('a -> error_log * profiling_info * 'b)
type ('a, 'b, 'c) binary = ('a -> 'b -> error_log * profiling_info * 'c)
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) ternary = ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> error_log * profiling_info * 'd)
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) quaternary = ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> error_log * profiling_info * 'e)
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) quinternary = ('a ->
'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> error_log * profiling_info * 'f)
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g) sexternary = ('a ->
'b ->
'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> error_log * profiling_info * 'g)
val fold_left_with_progress_bar : ?event:StoryProfiling.step_kind ->
(('a, 'b, 'a) binary, 'a, 'b list, 'a) ternary
val pop_json : parameter -> Yojson.Basic.json option
val profiling_state_to_json : parameter -> Yojson.Basic.json
val error_list_to_json : parameter -> Yojson.Basic.json
val computation_steps_to_json : parameter -> Yojson.Basic.json
type on_the_fly_cut_state 
val on_the_fly_cut_init : on_the_fly_cut_state
val on_the_fly_cut_step : on_the_fly_cut_state ->
Trace.step -> on_the_fly_cut_state
val on_the_fly_cut_finalize : on_the_fly_cut_state -> Trace.step list
val cut_rev_trace : Trace.step list -> Trace.step list
type trace 
type trace_runtime_info = profiling_info Trace.Simulation_info.t 
Runtime information about a trace provided by the simulator
val size_of_pretrace : trace -> int
val last_eid_in_pretrace : trace -> int
val print_trace : parameter -> kappa_handler -> trace -> unit
val has_obs : trace -> bool
check wether there is an observable in a trace
val trace_of_pretrace : Trace.t -> trace
convert a list of refined steps into a trace
val get_pretrace_of_trace : trace -> Trace.t
conversely, convert a trace in a list of refined steps
val get_simulation_time_of_event : Trace.step -> float option
get the date of an event in the simulation (only proper events have a time)
val get_id_of_event : Trace.step -> int option
get the id of an event in the simulation (only proper events have an id)
val remove_events_after_last_obs : (trace, trace) unary
remove the events after the last observable
val split_init : (trace, trace) unary
split_init split init event agent-wise
val fill_siphon : (trace, trace) unary
fill_siphon adds spurious init event, to break causal dependences; Currently, it inserts an init event when an agent return to its initial state; other heuristics may be considered; The output has to be disanbiguated, otherwise it is useless (compression will remove the ficitious init events) It should work in quasi linear time (I think)
val cut : (trace, trace) unary
cut performs partial order reduction and remove orthogonal events
val remove_pseudo_inverse_events : (trace, trace) unary
remove_pseudo_inverse_events removes pseudo inverse events
val remove_obs_before : (trace_runtime_info list option, trace, trace)
remove_obs_before removes the observable_hits before the simulation info prodided as a first argument
val make_unambiguous : (trace, trace) unary
reallocate agent id to avoid conflict (implicitly called by cut and fill_siphon)
val weakly_compress : ?heuristic:Priority.priorities ->
(trace, trace list) unary
compute the weak compression of a given trace, if parameter.compute_all_stories, then each minimal stories is computed, otherwise, only the first found one is provided; the optional argument heuristic can be used to redefined the heuristic that select which event to try to discard first.
val strongly_compress : ?heuristic:Priority.priorities ->
(trace, trace list) unary
compute the strong compression of a given trace, if parameter.compute_all_stories, then each minimal stories is computed, otherwise, only the first found one is provided; the optional argument heuristic can be used to redefined the heuristic that select which event to try to discard first.
val fold_over_the_causal_past_of_observables_with_a_progress_bar : (shall_we, shall_we, int,
(trace, trace_runtime_info list, 'a, ('a, 'b) Stop.stop)
ternary, trace, 'a, ('a, 'b * int) Stop.stop)
fold over the causal past of each observable in a given trace, the first argument indicates whether we display the current steps on the err output; the second arfument indicated whether the function is launched in debug mode or not
type black_list 
val create_black_list : int -> black_list
val black_list : (trace, black_list, black_list)
val remove_blacklisted_event : (black_list, trace, trace) binary
type story_table 
Story table
val create_story_table : story_table zeroary
val count_stories : story_table -> int
Give the number of stories (up to isomorphism classes) stored in a table
val store_trace : (trace, trace_runtime_info list, story_table,
Store trace in story table

Apply a function on each trace (and each list of runtime information associated to this trace), the string contains the message to display in case of faillure of one call of the ternary function
val fold_story_table_with_progress_bar : (string,
(trace, trace_runtime_info list, 'a, 'a)
ternary, story_table, 'a, 'a)
val fold_story_table_without_progress_bar : (string,
(trace, trace_runtime_info list, 'a, 'a)
ternary, story_table, 'a, 'a)
Apply a function on each trace (and each list of runtime information associated to this trace), the string contains the message to display in case of faillure of one call of the ternary function
val flatten_story_table : (story_table, story_table) unary
put together the stories having the same canonic form, this has do be done explicitely on the moment, I will improve this soon
val export_story_table : (story_table,
(Trace.t * Causal.grid * trace_runtime_info list) list)
convert a table into a list of grid (with runtime information)

The following functions are for expert only
val compress : ?heuristic:Priority.priorities ->
(trace, trace list) unary
compress a trace with the level of abstraction defined in the argument parameter. The optional argument heuristic can be used to tune the heuristic that select which event will be tried to be discarded first.
val copy_log_info : StoryProfiling.StoryStats.log_info -> StoryProfiling.StoryStats.log_info
type cflow_grid = Causal.grid 
type enriched_cflow_grid = Causal.enriched_grid 
val convert_trace_into_grid : trace -> kappa_handler -> cflow_grid
val enrich_grid_with_transitive_past_of_observables_with_a_progress_bar : (cflow_grid, enriched_cflow_grid) unary
compute transitive closure with different parameters (progress_bar, gc)
val enrich_grid_with_transitive_past_of_observables_without_a_progress_bar : (cflow_grid, enriched_cflow_grid) unary
val enrich_grid_with_transitive_past_of_each_node_without_a_progress_bar : (cflow_grid, enriched_cflow_grid) unary
type canonical_form 
Cannonic forms
val compare_canonical_form : canonical_form -> canonical_form -> int
val compute_canonical_form : (trace, canonical_form) unary
type musical_grid 
Blackboard with debugging utilities
type observable_hit 
val get_runtime_info_from_observable_hit : observable_hit -> unit Trace.Simulation_info.t option
Musical processing
val convert_trace_into_musical_notation : (trace, musical_grid) unary
val extract_observable_hits_from_musical_notation : (musical_grid, observable_hit list) unary
val extract_observable_hit_from_musical_notation : (string, musical_grid, observable_hit) binary
val causal_prefix_of_an_observable_hit : (string, musical_grid, enriched_cflow_grid,
observable_hit, trace)
val export_musical_grid_to_xls : (string, int, int, musical_grid, unit) quaternary
Show the current status of the branch and cut assumptions in a libreoffice macro file

Show the current status of the branch and cut assumptions in ASCII

val print_musical_grid : (musical_grid, unit) unary
val get_counter : story_table -> int