Module Alg_expr

module Alg_expr: sig .. end
Smart constructor

type pervasives_bool = bool 
type ('mix, 'id) e = 
| BIN_ALG_OP of Operator.bin_alg_op * ('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot
* ('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot
| UN_ALG_OP of Operator.un_alg_op * ('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot
| STATE_ALG_OP of Operator.state_alg_op
| ALG_VAR of 'id
| TOKEN_ID of 'id
| CONST of Nbr.t
| IF of ('mix, 'id) bool Locality.annot
* ('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot
* ('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot
| DIFF_TOKEN of (('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot * 'id)
| DIFF_KAPPA_INSTANCE of (('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot * 'mix)
type ('mix, 'id) bool = 
| BIN_BOOL_OP of Operator.bin_bool_op * ('mix, 'id) bool Locality.annot
* ('mix, 'id) bool Locality.annot
| UN_BOOL_OP of Operator.un_bool_op * ('mix, 'id) bool Locality.annot
| COMPARE_OP of Operator.compare_op * ('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot
* ('mix, 'id) e Locality.annot
val e_to_yojson : filenames:int Mods.StringMap.t ->
('a -> Yojson.Basic.json) ->
('b -> Yojson.Basic.json) -> ('a, 'b) e -> Yojson.Basic.json
val e_of_yojson : filenames:string array ->
(Yojson.Basic.json -> 'a) ->
(Yojson.Basic.json -> 'b) -> Yojson.Basic.json -> ('a, 'b) e
val print : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
(Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
(Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) e -> unit
val bool_to_yojson : filenames:int Mods.StringMap.t ->
('a -> Yojson.Basic.json) ->
('b -> Yojson.Basic.json) -> ('a, 'b) bool -> Yojson.Basic.json
val bool_of_yojson : filenames:string array ->
(Yojson.Basic.json -> 'a) ->
(Yojson.Basic.json -> 'b) -> Yojson.Basic.json -> ('a, 'b) bool
val print_bool : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
(Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
(Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) bool -> unit
val const : Nbr.t -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
Smart constructor

val int : int -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val float : float -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val add : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot ->
('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val minus : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot ->
('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val mult : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot ->
('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val div : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot ->
('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val pow : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot ->
('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val ln : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val uminus : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val sin : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val cos : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val sqrt : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot
val add_dep : Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t array *
Operator.DepSet.t array ->
Operator.rev_dep ->
('a, int) e Locality.annot ->
Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t array *
Operator.DepSet.t array
depend in time, depend in event number, depend in given var
val add_dep_bool : Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t array *
Operator.DepSet.t array ->
Operator.rev_dep ->
('a, int) bool Locality.annot ->
Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t array *
Operator.DepSet.t array
val setup_alg_vars_rev_dep : unit NamedDecls.t ->
(string Locality.annot * ('a, int) e Locality.annot) array ->
Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t array *
Operator.DepSet.t array
val has_mix : ?var_decls:('b -> ('c, 'b) e) ->
('a, 'b) e -> pervasives_bool
val has_progress_dep : only_time:pervasives_bool ->
Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t array *
Operator.DepSet.t array ->
('a, int) e Locality.annot -> pervasives_bool
val extract_connected_components : ('a, 'b) e Locality.annot -> 'a list
val extract_connected_components_bool : ('a, 'b) bool Locality.annot -> 'a list
val propagate_constant : ?max_time:float ->
?max_events:int ->
int list ->
(string Locality.annot * ('a, int) e Locality.annot) array ->
('a, int) e Locality.annot -> ('a, int) e Locality.annot
val propagate_constant_bool : ?max_time:float ->
?max_events:int ->
int list ->
(string Locality.annot * ('a, int) e Locality.annot) array ->
('a, int) bool Locality.annot ->
('a, int) bool Locality.annot
val is_equality_test_time : Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t * Operator.DepSet.t array *
Operator.DepSet.t array ->
('a, int) bool -> pervasives_bool